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January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month 911:411 on ICRV Radio Discusses This Important Topic

This month is important to raise awareness to the ever growing issue with Human Trafficking. On January 11 is National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness. In 2007, the U.S. Senate designated January 11th as National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness. Human Trafficking is the act of compelling a person by force, fraud, or coercion to provide labor or a commercial sex act. Coercion can be subtle, and traffickers use manipulation and threats of physical, psychological, or emotional harm. Traffickers target those who are most vulnerable to exploitation: for example, children, runaways, the mentally or physically disabled, or those suffering from poverty, substance abuse disorder, neglect, or abuse. Victims are lured, manipulated, and controlled by the trafficker via false promises concerning relationships, employment, lifestyle, or drug availability. They are treated as commodities.

To date, there are over 40.3 million people that are trafficked. If you think it is not here in town then your wrong. 911:411 a radio show hosted by Guilford Firefighter / Paramedic and Deputy Fire Marshal John Planas along with Guilford Police Sergeant Martina Jakober cover topics involving everything safety. The most recent show that aired on January 11, 2021 covered the topic of human trafficking. Martina offers an insight into some of the cases that she was involved with right here in town. John also had a special guest who is one of the chairwomen of the Human Trafficking Prevention Network to discuss some current and past cases. This episode is not to be missed as discussions about how to keep you family safe against recruiters for this industry as well as how to spot if your Child's behavior may indicate that they are being trafficked.

Where we come in, 911:411 in conjunction with The Guilford Fire and Police Departments want to voice the importance of raising awareness to this situation. It is vital that you take the time to research what can be done to prevent and report trafficking. Unfortunately, this is currently happening locally as Martina explains on the show. Tune into 911:411 to educate yourself about this important issue. The show can be found by CLICKING HERE



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