It's Fire Prevention Week

This week is Fire Prevention Week and this year’s theme is, “Learn The Sounds Of Fire Safety “.
From beeps to chirps, this year’s campaign works to better educate the public about the sounds smoke alarms make, what those sounds mean, and how to respond to them.
According to the latest NFPA “Smoke Alarms in the U.S.” report, working smoke alarms in the home reduce the risk of dying in a reported fire by more than half (55 percent). However, almost three out of five home fire deaths occur in homes with no smoke alarms (41 percent) or smoke alarms that failed to operate (16 percent); missing or non-functional power sources, including missing or disconnected batteries, dead batteries, and disconnected hardwired alarms or other alternate current (AC) power issues, are the most common factors when smoke alarms fail to operate.
All to often when smoke detectors beep or chirp, it can be frustrating for some. Most of the time, we see smoke detectors missing batteries or disabled because people can’t figure out how to fix the detector. The majority of these beeps and chirps are due to low or dead batteries. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors should be replaced every 10 years.
If you are having any difficulties with a smoke or carbon monoxide detector, please don’t hesitate to contact our Fire Marshal's office. We will be more than happy to come out and assist you with checking the detector. Our main number is 203-453-8056
