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Guilford Marine 10 Assists Disabled Vessel

Yesterday, Guilford Marine units sprang into action to assist a fishing vessel in distress off Vineyard Point. The vessel's anchor had become entangled around its propeller, creating an immediate danger due to rough sea conditions. Guilford Professional Firefighters utilized specialized tools, including a knife attached to a boat hook, to swiftly free the line from the prop. After ensuring the vessel was safe, they escorted it back to the safety of Guilford Town Marina's boat launch.

Important Safety Reminder for Fishermen

- Stay Weather Aware: Conditions can change rapidly, especially during blackfish season.

- Anchor Safely: Avoid anchoring off your stern with your back to the sea to prevent swamping.

- Position Your Vessel: Always try to keep your bow into the waves when anchored.

We urge all fishermen to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions. Your safety is our priority!


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