Guilford Police and Firefighters trained in Project Lifesaver Program
The Guilford Police Department is proud to announce that 12 officers and
supervisors and 75 Guilford Fire Department personnel have been trained on the
Project Lifesaver program. Project Lifesaver began as a pilot program back in
1999 which utilizes a transmitter on the wrist or ankle of an adult or child who
wanders due to Autism, Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or other
cognitive conditions. Both the fire department and police department are now
equipped with hand held units to track the missing and endangered child or adult
that has wandered from home through the transmitter. These cases can have a
high mortality rate and Guilford is eager to take a proactive approach to making
sure loved ones find their way home safely. The program was initiated by a local
resident who was able to raise the funds to establish the program, train the
personnel and provide the equipment. Each transmitter costs roughly $300 which
is paid for by the family. The batteries and band material are changed every 30
days by the officers. The program has proven very effective especially if the
caretakers or parents call at the moment they realize their loved one is missing. If
you have a family member that would qualify for this program or are interested in
making a tax free donation to the program, please contact the Guilford Police
Department Crime Prevention at 203-453-8061 X 236.
For more information on this program click here