Guilford Fire Department
Emergency Operations Center
If 911 Does Not Work Call 203-453-8448
The EOC is the focal point for coordination of the Town's emergency planning, training, response and recovery efforts. EOC processes follow the National All-Hazards approach to major disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, acts of terrorism and large-scale events in the Town that require involvement by multiple Town departments.
EOC Organization: Arranged according to NIMS Standards.
ICS – ESF Layout: Arranged according to ICS Branch/Federal Emergency Support Functions:
Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Transportation, Utilities, Public Works, Mass Care, Damage Assessment, Emergency Management
Communications: EOC local and wide area information management network, Town, County-wide radio systems; primary, back-up and satellite telephone systems; fully integrated audio-video display systems; video conferencing capabilities; access to NOAA weather and local media information.
Survivability: Secured building with video surveillance, emergency back-up generators, a centralized uninterrupted power source (UPS) in case of wide spread power outage.
For the definitions to the above acronyms click here