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Board of Fire Commissioners
Amy Sullivan (R)
Dennis Carnelli (D)
Fred Trotta (D)
Josh Hershman (D)
Ken Wilson, Jr. (I) 
ESTABLISHED: Established by section 4-8 of the Town Charter.
CHARGE/DUTIES: The Board of Fire Commissioners is charged with the management of the Fire Department to include responsibility for the maintenance and care of all apparatus and equipment owned by the Town and used by the Fire Department. The commissioners also make regulations for the conduct of the Fire Department and set standards and specifications which will be followed in the purchase by the Town of apparatus, equipment and supplies for the Fire Department.
ELECTED/APPOINTED: Appointed by the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of Town Committees. MEMBERSHIP: Five regular members.
MEETING DATE/TIME/PLACE: Regular meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m., at the Emergency Services Building at 390 Church Street. EXPERIENCE AND/OR INTEREST NECESSARY/PREFERRED TO BE A MEMBER: Members should have an interest in and/or experience in Fire Department operation and have a desire to serve the people of Guilford.

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